How to Buy the Best Shower Wall Panel for Your Bathroom

Transforming your bathroom into a modern haven requires careful consideration of various elements, including shower wall panels. An alternative to bathroom tiles, these panels enhance aesthetic appeal and play a crucial role in maintaining your bathroom’s functionality and durability.

Kartell Wall Panel

Shower Panels come in multiple eye-catching designs, like this Kartell Silver Retro wall panel.

In this comprehensive guide, Showers to You delves into the key factors to consider when choosing shower wall panels, explores different types available in the market, and provides a step-by-step approach to help you make the best choice for your bathroom renovation project.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Shower Wall Panels


Durability is paramount when selecting shower wall panels. The bathroom is a high-moisture environment (even with an extractor fan), and the panels must withstand constant exposure to water, humidity, and cleaning agents. Look for materials resistant to mould, mildew, and warping to ensure long-lasting performance.


The material of the shower wall panel significantly impacts its longevity, maintenance, and appearance. Common materials include acrylic, PVC, and composite. Each has unique properties, so understanding these differences will help you make an informed decision.


Aesthetics play a vital role in creating a modern and stylish bathroom. Choose panels that align with your vision, whether a sleek minimalist look or a more elaborate design. A variety of finishes and colours can help you achieve the desired ambience.


Maintenance is crucial for ensuring the longevity and pristine condition of your shower wall panels. Opt for materials that are easy to clean and require minimal upkeep. This will save you time and effort in the long run.Kinedo Kinewall Banana Trees Panel

Types of Shower Wall Panels

Acrylic Panels

Acrylic panels are lightweight, easy to install, and come in various colours and patterns. They are known for their shine and smooth surface, making them a popular choice for modern bathrooms.

PVC Panels

Like the renowned Kartell PVC Wall Panels, PVC panels are highly durable and water-resistant. They are cost-effective and available in numerous designs, providing functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Composite Panels

Composite panels are made from a combination of materials, offering enhanced strength and durability. They are an excellent choice for those seeking a balance between quality and affordability.

Step-by-Step Guide to Buying the Best Shower Wall Panels for Your Bathroom

Measuring and Assessing Your Bathroom Space

Accurate measurements are crucial before purchasing shower wall panels. Evaluate the dimensions of your bathroom and decide on the installation area. For a complete setup, consider our Wall Panel Complete Packs, which are ideal for two or three bathroom walls.

Wall Panel Complete

Why not choose a complete package with one of our Wall Panel Complete Packs?

Budget Considerations and Cost Analysis

Establishing a budget is essential. Shower wall panels vary in price, and understanding your financial constraints will help narrow your options. Kartell Wall Panels start from under £80.00 and offer various design choices, including Grey Storm Sparkle, Concrete White, Beige Slate and Grey Onyx.

Selecting the Right Material and Design to Match Your Style

Choose a material and design that complements your bathroom’s overall look. Nuance Wall Panels feature a unique Postformed design, ensuring a 100% waterproof panel without grout or trims. Alternatively, Kinedo Kinewall Panels have a polyethene core, making them lightweight and easy to cut to size, perfect for custom installations.

Installation Tips

While some shower panels are DIY-friendly, others may require professional installation to ensure a perfect fit and finish. Make sure to follow manufacturer guidelines and, if needed, enlist the help of an expert to avoid any pitfalls.

Maintenance and Longevity

Ensuring the longevity of your wet wall panels involves regular care and maintenance. Follow these tips:

  • Clean regularly with non-abrasive cleaners.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the surface.
  • Inspect for any signs of wear and address them promptly.

By following these maintenance practices, you can keep your shower panels looking new for years to come.Nuance Wall Panel

Are Shower Wall Panels better than tiles?

Bathroom wall panels are 100% waterproof and provide outstanding water resistance compared to ceramic tiles. Unlike tiles, they do not require grout, making them significantly easier and eliminating mould risk.


Choosing the right shower wall panels for your bathroom is a decision that combines practicality with personal style. By considering factors such as durability, material, aesthetics, and maintenance, you can select panels that not only enhance the beauty of your bathroom but also stand the test of time. Whether you opt for the reliable Kartell PVC Wall Panels, the innovative Nuance Wall Panels, or the versatile Kinedo Kinewall Panels, ensuring you follow this guide will lead to a satisfying and successful bathroom renovation.

Contact one of our experts today via email (, phone (01472 242159), or online contact form to discuss your new shower wall panel. Happy renovating!